
Monday, 17 August 2015

House of Tudor Quiz

Oh dear - I seem to be a bit wanting after taking the House of Tudor Quiz. My score was average - 1081/1500.  The countdown clock kind of rattled me a bit, but it was fun. Pop on over and see if you can better my score. It was fun!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I got 1201 but that was because the thing wouldn't accept my typing for one of the questions. Which I got right! I'd advise people try it on a PC rather than an iPad for that reason.

Kaisievic said...

Fun Quiz, thanks, Kim - I got 14 out of 15 right or 1302 points. Pretty pleased with myself!

Kaisievic said...

P.S. Kim, have you put the quiz on our FB page, too?

Stitching Noni said...

Great quiz! I did the slower version first and got 13 out 15 then tried the fast quiz... glad I did it the other way around... that countdown clock is really off putting!
Looking forward to the next one!
Hugs xx

KimM said...

Not yet....I will....thx for the reminder

Gillie said...

1098, had no idea about Elizabeth's near marriage!